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Aimol (ISO Code - aim) is a Bodic language of the Sino-Tibetan language family. It is spoken in Assam and Manipur state in North-East India.

Source/ Investigator(s): T. Temsunungsang, Chongom Damrengthang Aimol
1Consonant Inventoriesmoderately large (27)Phonology
2Vowel Quality InventoriesAverage (6)Phonology
3Consonant-Vowel RatioModerately high (4.5)Phonology
4Voicing in Plosives and FricativesVoicing contrast in plosives alonePhonology
5Voicing and Gaps in Plosive SystemsMissing /g/Phonology
6Uvular ConsonantsNonePhonology
7Glottalized ConsonantsNo glottalized consonantsPhonology
8Lateral Consonants/l/, no obstruent lateralsPhonology
9The Velar NasalInitial velar nasal /ŋəŋ/ 'shout'Phonology
10Front Rounded VowelsNonePhonology
11Syllable StructureModerately complex /CCVC/Phonology
12ToneSimple tone system : /pa`/ : /pa/ 'read' : 'father'Phonology
13Absence of Common ConsonantsAll present (bilabials, fricatives, nasals)Phonology
14Presence of Uncommon ConsonantsNonePhonology
15Fusion of Selected Inflectional FormativesExclusively concatenativeMorphology
16Prefixing vs. Suffixing in Inflectional MorphologyEqual prefixing and suffixing Morphology
17Case SyncretismNon core cases /-ə/ for Locative and Instrumental case Morphology
18Number of GendersNoneNominal Categories
19Sex-based and Non-sex-based Gender SystemsNo gender Nominal Categories
20Systems of Gender AssignmentNo gender Nominal Categories
21Coding of Nominal PluralityPlural suffix: /-ni/ , /ŋaj/Nominal Categories
22Plurality in Independent Personal PronounsPerson-number affix /kəj/ 'I' /kəj-ni/ 'we' Nominal Categories
23Number of Cases8Nominal Categories
24Position of Case AffixesCase suffixesNominal Categories
25Perfective/Imperfective AspectGrammatical markingVerbal Categories
26The PerfectPerfect of the 'have'-type: /nəŋ nə-hoŋ-jo/ 'you have come' Verbal Categories
27Position of Tense-Aspect AffixesTense-aspect suffixesVerbal Categories
28Order of Subject, Object and VerbSOV /nəŋ ə-tun hoŋ-ro/ 'you come now'Word Order
29Order of Subject and VerbSVWord Order
30Order of Object and VerbOVWord Order
31Order of Genitive and NounNoun-Genitive /lajrik-hi tom-tə ke/ 'this bookbelongs to Tom''Word Order
32Position of Interrogative Phrases in Content QuestionsNot initial interrogative phrase: /nə hoŋ rəŋ-mo/ 'will he/ she come?' [ -mo is the question marker]Word Order
33Negative MorphemesParticle /-mək/Lexicon